Audience polling for PowerPoint

Why choose Participoll?

Unlimited polls & votes
Ask as many questions as you like to any size audience. All-you-can-eat service that won't run out of credits mid presentation.
Multiple chart types
Wide choice of Excel-style (PC vesrion only) poll results charts live in your PowerPoint.
Customisable voting page
Voting buttons that reflect your brand: your voting address, logo, colour scheme and language.
Use your existing slides
Breath new life into old slide decks - ParticiPoll polls work inside your PowerPoint slides
For Windows & Mac
ParticiPoll is available for PC and Mac (*some limitations on chart display types for Mac)
Anonymous or tracked
Choose whether your audience votes are anonymous (better for candid responses) or tracked (better for grading)
Save & review poll data
Access all historical poll results, responses and comments from your Poll History dashboard
Download your data
Export data from completed polls, questions and comments in .CSV format
Multiple choice polls
Pose a question with set answers and see your audience's choices live in PowerPoint. lots of chart options (PC only), single and multiple response options
Word clouds
Pose a question or topic and show audience free text responses in a word cloud in PowerPoint. A great ice breaker for starting your presentation!
Up votes
Pose a question and let your audience submit and rank free text responses live in your PowerPoint slide
Audience comments
Choose individual audience-submitted comments for display live in your slides. Great for Q&A sessions.
Works with:
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